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Loner's Deep by Graham Storrs

Loner's Deep

Book 1 of the Deep Fracture Trilogy

Visit the series webpage

“I just spent a long flight reading Loner’s Deep and thoroughly enjoyed it. I particularly liked the idea of Broome with his ancient and partly fading memories and his intrinsic humanity (despite being a robot). Also, to a trained physicist the underlying science is pretty plausible!”

"I was surprised at how good this book is. I found it quite gripping. Lots of interesting ideas, too. Just bought the second volume."

"[Graham Storrs is] in big trouble with my wife. I can't put Loner's Deep down, and I have work that I should be doing instead."

"Reading Loner's Deep right now. Very enjoyable. Loving Broome the robot."

Loner's Deep

About This Book

Ten thousand years after the human race fought off the terrors its first small steps into the galaxy unleashed on it, no-one remembers what is out there.

Alone on a rain-swept mountain-top, the robot, Broome, waits for rescue. Worshipped by the simple tribespeople below, it remembers its long existence, its long-dead friends, and ponders the tragedy of war and human frailty.

To stave off the loneliness, it decides to tell the story of Loner’s Deep and the events that took place there, events which threatened to destroy the fragile peace among the great spacefaring civilisations of Human Space and bring the whole human race to the edge of extinction. Broome’s story is about Berenetta, an Earth woman who, alone among her kind, is able to understand the true nature of the beautiful alien object that appears from nowhere to spark a conflagration. It is about Tam and Prad, traders from the Republic of Karmarg, who are drawn into the chaos around Loner’s Deep after the deaths of hundreds of their people. And it is about Broome itself, the ancient war machine that was trying to live a life of peace and contemplation, but which found itself at the centre of a wild and dangerous adventure spanning half of Human Space.

The Federation is itching for war, The Republic and The Sphere of Light stand against it, and Earth, the six hundred pound gorilla they all fear, is watching and waiting. But, at Loner’s Deep, something much worse is stirring.

This site and all its content is copyright (c) Graham Storrs,